Tous les articles par Zeus

Proper Rawk and Roll!

I have discovered the cure for atherosclerosis. It is to take in a triple header of Jimmy Target and the Triggers, Les Dales Hawerchuk and Groovy Aardvark. By the time their show was done, their unique brands of chest rattling goodness had cleared my arteries of all plaque. Particularly memorable was Groovy Aardvarks supremely crowd pleasing mix of traditional Quebecois call and response tunes with metal. A full group percussive samba interlude served handily as a cup of gasoline on the night’s bonfire. A local gang of youth costumed as everything from vikings to construction workers added color to the mosh pit. If there was an FME barnburner award it would have gone to them…


From Feist to Gerry Boulet…don`t ask

The last time I had the pleasure of seeing Feist was in 2001. She was playing a mid week show at the Rivoli in Toronto with a very small band. I remember her explaining at length during a pause in that show about how a German fan had told her that ¨feist¨ was a word which described the awkward feeling that one has when a stranger has overstayed their welcome in your home (I can`t vouch for the veracity of that fans etymological statement).
I hardly consider myself a prophet of a given band`s career arc, but I knew then that she was something special.
Flash forward to last night… she had all the charm and more well honed chops, with the power to project it all into everyones heart.
Somehow, Gerry Boulet entered the picture, late into the evening at a friends house. I could only marvel at the strange unifying power of those old tunes, disinterred from YouTube. Much group singing ensued.
I lamented that I could think of no English equivalent to those songs of love and solidarity. I believe those were my last thoughts for the night as I passed out with their dog Raymond Bourke licking my face…

